October 2, 2013

Homemade Paint Recipe {Candy Corn Quick Paints}

Fall Recipe for Play - Candy Corn Paint

I seriously can't remember the last time we used store bought paint.  I've been having so much fun creating different paint recipes for fall.  So far we've made fall sticky paints, fall finger paints, erupting apple sidewalk chalk paint, apple scented quick paints, and candy apple puffy paint.  My kids love all kinds of paint, homemade or not.  My two favorite reasons for making most of the paint we use are because it is frugal and I can expose them to a variety of scents and textures with just a few simple changes to my favorite recipes.  Quick paints are my go to paints for busy days.  I'm sure you can guess why.  The name says it all.  Quick paints are fast and easy to make.  They also have a very inexpensive base which of course appeals to me since we paint so often.  Our candy corn playdough was such a hit with the boys that I decided to make some candy corn quick paints!

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How to Make Candy Corn Quick Paints

Directions:  Squirt shaving cream into three small bowls or containers.  Leave one batch white, add yellow to another bowl, and add orange to the final bowl.  I prefer to use liquid watercolors, but food coloring works well too.  My mom has a tendency to buy sprinkles when she sees them for cheap, and these candy corn colored sprinkles have been in our pantry since last fall.  I knew they would be the perfect thing to add a little texture to our quick paints.  I sprinkled a small amount on top of each color of paint after mixing the color in well.

If you like making your own paint, be sure and check out our complete homemade paint recipe collection.

Tank (26 months) shocked me by sticking his whole hand right into the paints.  He loves to paint, including finger painting, but he usually wants his hands washed after just a few seconds.  I guess he was in a finger painting mood.

Peanut asked me if he could dump the orange onto his paper.  I think he was surprised when it didn't pour out quickly.  I gave the boys black paper, so the colors would really pop.  You can also see a small sponge triangle piece.  In addition to foam brushes I cut up some small kitchen sponges in the shape of candy corns.  They mostly used their hands to paint this time, but the sponges were a hit as well.

J-Bug (4) was enthralled with the sprinkles.  He sprinkled them on his paintings and directly into the bowl and seemed to really like the added texture.  *Please note*  If your child is likely to try to eat the sprinkles I recommend using a different base such as yogurt, pudding or cool whip.

For more homemade paint recipes follow my Recipes for Play board on Pinterest.

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Click the images below for more homemade paint recipes for fall:

Fall Finger Paint Recipe  Apple Scented Quick Paints  Candy Apple Puffy Paint Recipe


  1. Will this dry well? Or is this more of an activity that gets thrown out after?

    1. With this recipe we throw it out. If you are looking for something that dries well just add school glue to the mixture. Add a good amount. That helps the shaving cream get to a consistency that will stick to the paper and dry well without losing its foaming texture. :)


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