You all know by now that I am a Pinterest addict. I've had a Transportation board for quite some time with ideas accumulating. When a good friend from my playgroup invited us to go to an Antique Gas and Steam Engine Museum I decided it was time to (finally) do a transportation unit. We kicked off the week with a field trip!
This was a museum like no other that I have visited.
For starters, children were welcome to climb on the displays.
Also, it was outside.
No "Shh, we're in a museum," or "Walk please."

What better way for children to learn and remember what they've learned?
It was a day the boys and I will remember for a very long time.
My personal favorite was the antique grader. We have a truck book that both big boys adore. (My First Truck Board Book
) Before JZ was even two he could name all of the different trucks and tractors. It's one thing reading about a grader.
It's indescribable to see a giant one up close and personal and better yet to be able to climb up on it!
This trip took me back to fond memories of my childhood.
My grandfather owned a lot of antique farm equipment, and he put them in the county fair shows each year.

There was a beehive inside one of the harvesting trucks that we studied as closely as we dared.

Two owls were perched above us in one of the sheds. JM was fascinated by them. He didn't understand why they didn't want to come down and talk to him.

What a magnificent day!
I had no idea this museum was nearby until my friend suggested it. I encourage you to check your area for new experiences for you and your little ones. On a funny note...The whole time we were walking around I kept saying that my dad would really love this place. When I got home I called him and told him about it. His response? "I've been there. I invited you to go with me about ten years ago, and you thought it sounded boring." It's amazing how seeing things through the eyes of my children changes everything!

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This looks like a fun place, Nico would love to climb on all of those!