JZ was born in 2007. We weren't planning to have any children, but God had other plans. He was the greatest surprise of my life. JZ wants to be just like Daddy. He follows him around and watches everything he does. He knows how to work every power tool in our garage, and he looks out for his little brothers.

Less than two years later we had J-Bug. I prayed for another little boy, so JZ would have a brother to grow up with. J-Bug is spirited and spunky. From birth he has been attached to my hip. He is his mama through and through, down to his stubborn streak. He has an excitement for life, learning, and keeping up with JZ.
When J-Bug was a toddler I knew my family wasn't complete. DH and I had said we were done, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I wanted more. We prayed about it and decided to try one more time. I have a crazy (OCD) thing about even numbers, so the night we found out I was expecting DH prayed for twins. We were blown away to see two strong heartbeats at my first ultrasound. We are so thankful for our youngest additions who were born in 2011.
Tank - His got his nickname he weighs a good three pounds more than his twin brother, which as toddlers is quite a lot.
Peanut - His nickname came from being the smallest of my four boys, being in the tenth percentile for height and weight.
I think we are done now, but I've learned to never say never.