In the bin:
yellow buttons
yellow balloons
dollar tree candles
yellow pom poms
yellow linking cubes
yellow pipe cleaners
yellow foam blocks
yellow feathers
yellow barrel for scooping
yellow foam dog
yellow crayon, marker, Do-A-Dot marker
yellow wooden pattern blocks
Basically I raided my craft shelves and anything yellow was added.
The boys love exploring sensory bins. With each new discovery they squeal with delight and find a new game to play with the items they find. I don't guide them in their discovery. They are free to explore and play how they choose. I am right there with them, though, listening and talking with them as they play and show me what they find.
JZ LOVES lights. I knew this would be a cool find for him in the bin.
These "candles" were even more exciting. (They also make great replacements for burning tealight candles if you are concerned about little hands getting to the flame.)
When JZ found the linking cubes he asked me to make letters with him.
He tickled himself and me and KO (who I was nursing) with the feather once he discovered it.
JM wanted to make a "really really really really tower". I love the way he say "really" several times without adding an adjective to his sentence.
He had fun threading pipe cleaners through the large buttons.
We also made letters out of the pipe cleaners.
Another day they wanted to play with the sensory bin on the floor. They enjoyed stacking the diiferent textured blocks and knocking them down.
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