We had our first experience with water beads a few weeks ago, and it's no surprise that the boys and I loved them. I came across my old Light Box
the other day when cleaning out some cabinets. I was pleased to have found is, because as I mentioned in THIS post I thought I had given it away. I found a small container from Dollar Tree that fits perfectly on top of the light table. Eventually I'm hoping my husband will build a small light table, but for now this is a great start.
This morning I put Clear Water Pearls
and Glass Gems
in the container on the light box. I added the gems for a couple of reasons. First because we were using clear water beads, and second because I wanted to compare and contrast the textures.
After a few minutes of touching the elements the boys asked for spoons and a bowl.
JZ was intrigued as we compared the gems and beads. (J-Bug did his own thing.) We felt one in each hand and agreed the water beads are squishy, and the gems are solid. The water beads bounce. The gems fall hard. The gems make noise when knocked together. The water beads are silent. It was a wonderful opportunity to expand their vocabulary.

Later we reached for this set of four clear bowls that I found at Dollar Tree and divided the water beads and gems into batches.

J-Bug said, "We need a straw," and ran to grab some pipe cleaners.

He made a "smoothie" for each of us to drink.

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