June 17, 2014

Watermelon Slime Recipe

Watermelon Slime - Summer Fun Recipe for Play

Slippery, slimy, ooey, gooey WATERMELON SLIME recipe - summer fun recipe for play!

We've been enjoying our favorite summer sensory activities and having a ton of fun with watermelons!  Last week we made erupting watermelons, and today I have a new summer fun recipe for play to share:  watermelon slime.  It's an ooey gooey, slippery, slimy slime recipe that smells just like fresh cut watermelon, and it is too much fun.

making watermelon slime

How to Make Watermelon Slime

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Invitation to make watermelon slime

Directions:  I scooped out the watermelon and set it aside to eat for lunch, leaving plenty of watermelon juice in the rind.

making watermelon slime

I filled containers with the glue and starch, and JZ (6) added the ingredients slowly.  I used roughly 1 cup of liquid starch and 1.5 cups of school glue, but the measurements weren't exact.

watermelon slime recipe

Tank (35 months) saw what we were doing and eagerly joined us.  He asked to add in the black beans, or "watermelon seeds".  You could, of course, pick out actual watermelon seeds to add to the slime, but who has time for that?  The black beans added a unique texture to our homemade slime.

The traditional slime recipe doesn't call for water of any sort.  Adding some will make the slime, well, more slimy.  The watermelon juice certainly made this batch of slime incredibly slippery and slimy, although it still had the usual stretchy qualities.  Skip the watermelon if you want thick, stretchy slime that lasts for months.

The best summer fun slime recipe - watermelon slime!

Please note:  This recipe is not for children who are still tasting sensory materials.  Tank is past the mouthing phase.

He was enthralled with our watermelon slime.

watermelon slime recipe

It helped that my other two boys didn't partake in this sensory activity, leaving more room for Tank and JZ to freely play.

Slimy, messy, sensory summer fun with WATERMELON SLIME!

Of course JZ loves anything slime.  He will drop anything to make a new batch of slime.  He loves the soft and squishy texture, and he enjoys lifting and pulling slime as far as he can stretch it.

How to make watermelon slime - an ooey gooey summer fun play recipe that smells like fresh cut watermelon!

Slime is another favorite play recipe for boosting fine motor skills.

Summer fun sensory play with watermelon SLIME.

Unlike our usual slime recipe, this watermelon slime did not last.  Instead of becoming thicker and stretchier with time it got smoother and watery.  I'm guessing that the natural sugar from the watermelon changed the chemical balance of the slime ingredients.  It was still worth making, but please know that this slime is really only good for one play time.

Making watermelon slime - summer fun recipe for PLAY.

For more summer fun recipes for play follow me on Pinterest.

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Simple method for making WATERMELON SLIME, the perfect SUMMER FUN recipe for PLAY!

More slime recipes:

How to make rainbow slime for sensory play - Isn't it gorgeous?    Glow in the dark slime pumpkin party favors kids will LOVE!  Bonus:  they are easy to make.  WIN

15 recipes for homemade slime, even including a few that are edible and safe for the littlest hands!


  1. This is great, and the black beans are especially clever! They made me smile. :-)

  2. Love the black beans! Thanks for sharing at After School!

  3. Any other suggestions on where to buy beside Amazon? Am thinking I may want to make this for some Labor Day fun for the kiddos!

    1. You should be able to find all of the items at Target or WalMart. The liquid starch is in the laundry section. :)


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