September 23, 2018

4BoysToys on YouTube

New YouTube Channel!

It's been awhile since I've made a new blog post.  No I haven't fallen off the face of the earth!  We still do fun projects and experiments regularly, but the big difference now is that the boys do their own projects.  Gone are the days of me setting up invitations and creating new ways to play.  They use their imagination and go where that leads, and the best part is, they do all the set up and clean up!

Their latest creative venture is a YouTube channel!  Presenting 4BoysToys!  The four of them worked together to create, write, film, and edit this video.  All I helped with was the editing and uploading to YouTube.

They would be beyond thrilled if you'd take the time to watch their video and leave a comment.  Better yet, subscribe, so you get notifications when they make new videos!

Thank you for being excited for us and following our 4BoysToys YouTube journey.


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