August 22, 2013

Fall Sticky Paint Recipe

The perfect homemade paint recipe for fall, fun and safe for all ages.

Recipe for homemade scented paint, capturing all the best aromas of fall!  This paint is made from common household items and takes two minutes to prepare.

Fall Sticky Paints - Recipe for Play

I have to admit that all of the back to school posts in my FB feed are a bit depressing.  I'm not anti back to school.  I'm just not ready to admit that summer is coming to an end.  Summer is by far my favorite season.  Instead of being mopey and whiny about it I decided to embrace my favorite parts of fall:  pumpkin pie, baked apples, butternut squash with nutmeg, pumpkin spice lattes, and caramel apple cider.  Can you sense a theme?  Instead of putting on ten pounds this fall, I want to find ways to incorporate all the best scents of fall into our play, starting with a new homemade paint recipe.  Homemade paints are the best.  They tend to be super easy to make, and the possibilities are endless.  Here is a complete list of our favorite homemade paint recipes.  We've been playing with these new fall sticky paints all week now, and they are quickly becoming one of our favorite recipes for play.
Two ingredient base paint recipe - add fall scents like cinnamon, clove, candy apple, nutmeg, pumpkin, and more!

How to Fall Scented Sticky Paints

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Recipe for fall sensory paints - perfect for any age!

Directions:  I filled the muffin tin with corn syrup then added a few drops of food coloring or liquid watercolors to each opening.  Then I topped each color with a spice or flavor.  We had candy apple green, pumpkin spice orange, cinnamon brown, nutmeg yellow and clove red.

Fall sensory paints - homemade paint made from household ingredients, capturing the essence of fall

Do I even need to tell you how amazing our art smelled?  These paints are a bit sticky, as the title portrays, but only a tiny bit.  They are just the right amount of sticky to enhance the sensory experience without being sticky enough to be icky.  The paint brushes and dots spread them easily.  The corn syrup gives the paint a glossy finish that is quite lovely!  These sticky paints would be the perfect base for the confetti paints I made recently.

As I mentioned in my tips for messy play, teaching my boys to clean up after themselves is really important to me.  I cannot tell you how proud I was of Peanut (25 months) when he went and grabbed a container, filled it with hose water and rinsed the brushes and daubers in the water after painting.

His twin brother Tank took it upon himself to spray down the paper covered picnic table.  I usually hose off the table and concrete after our art projects, so he had the right idea.  I love how the sticky paints looks when wet.

Fall art - homemade paint recipe that captures the essence of fall!

For more homemade paint recipes follow me on Pinterest.

Follow Me on Pinterest

More homemade paint recipes for fall:

Don't you love the aromas of Thanksgiving dinner?  These Thanksgiving sensory paints capture a few of the best scents of the holiday!  


  1. Thanks for challenging me to embrace my favorite things about fall! I am also sad summer is coming to a close, but there really are so many wonderful things about fall that I love. The smells are on the top of my list. Thanks for the sweet reminder and I can't wait to try your paints!

  2. How do you come up with these recipes? Do you experiment on your own, or find them in a book/on the internet? I love seeing what you come up with!

    1. Thank you Jenny! I have a lot of fun experimenting with what's in my pantry. My ideas don't always turn out, LOL. I don't post about the flops. ;)

  3. This is wonderful, I am glad it wasn't icky, I love it! Would you know what the equivalent to corn syrup is in Australia? Thanks for linking up to The Weekly Kid's Co-Op. I am featuring this post on my Kid's Co-Op post this week at Triple T Mum!

  4. I feel the same way about summer! Although now that they have the pumpkin coffees out I am getting more excited--although I need to get it iced!

    These paints sound awesome!

  5. Can the artworks with this paint be saved? I mean does it go bad since it is made with food stuffs?

    1. I'm not actually sure. We used butcher paper and threw it away after the paint dried. It dried nice and glossy. :)


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