April 2, 2012

Two Ingredient-Homemade Silly Putty

Silly Putty

Did you love playing with silly putty as a child?  My only complaint was the tiny amount that came in those red eggs.  Imagine my delight when I discovered that with two simple ingredients I could make a huge batch of silly putty!

Supplies:  (affiliate links provided)

I never measure, but it is roughly two parts glue to one part liquid starch.

I have to say, the first time I used this recipe I was doubtful that it would become silly putty.  At first the mixture is stringy, and then it becomes clumpy.

JZ (4) and J-Bug (3) love mixing up a fresh batch of silly putty.  They let the mixture run through their fingers.  The texture is a bit sticky and bouncy.  Silly putty is a wonderful sensory material.  I'm glad they enjoy mixing it so much, because the key to making homemade silly putty is really working it through your hands to combine the starch and glue.

It slowly starts to form after being handled quite a bit.  The more we play with it, the more putty like it becomes.  Adding color is optional.  Please note that food coloring and liquid watercolors might stain fingers.  If stains concern you, use a non stick spatula to mix in the color.  Once the color is mixed in well it should not stain.

Eventually the mixture turns into a nice ball.  If the silly putty is too slimey and won't form a ball, add more glue.  If the mixture is too sticky add more liquid starch.  If silly putty gets on clothing it washes easily with warm water.  It cleans off surfaces easily with warm water and soap.  We usually play in a bin or tupperware container.  Store silly putty in a ziploc bag or airtight container, and it will last for several months.

For more ideas follow my DIY Paints and Doughs board on Pinterest.

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More recipes for play:

I definitely did not teach my boys to pretend to sneeze and act like a string of silly putty was snot.  That doesn't sound like me at all.  We did not laugh harder than we ever have together for almost a half hour straight over this.  Nope.  That never happened.


  1. Memories!!! I used to love playing with silly putty when I was a young girl too!
    Thanks so much for sharing this idea and recipe ... hope my boys like it too!!

  2. May I use the picture of the while substance stretched out with hands showing - it has your blog name on it but I will also include a link to this post? For Kindergarten & Preschool for Parents & Teachers. Thank you!

  3. wow i'm really excited about doing this in the nursery now. i was looking for things to do with early mathematics skills. and i found this i could use it to get the children to transfer it from different cups and pots!!! really helpful and sounds amazing!!!!!

  4. The color can be added to the glue before adding the liquid starch for a smoother, non-staining experience. ;)


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